Acne Peeling
It is an anti acne exfoliating application that helps to open your closed pores on your skin and to regress acne. The oils on the surface of your facial area are removed by your therapist, cleaned and prepared for the procedure so that the application is best affected. Jessner exfoliating solution is applied by protecting your eye area and lip edges. Apart from the face area, it is also applied to your back if necessary. The intensity of this application varies according to the level of the procedure to be performed and the condition of the skin. After the exfoliating solution is cleaned and removed from the skin, your white and black spots are cleaned with the help of vacuum and comedone extractor. Then a mask with a dense vitamin A is applied to the face.
Anti-Acne Peeling Ingredients
- Salicylic acid and jessner peeling solution,
- Vitamin-A mask.
Application Areas Yüz,
· Back,
· Décolleté.
What Problems Is Anti-Acne Peeling Applied To?
·Inflamed pimples,
·Black spots,
·White dots,
·Enlarged pores,
·Thick oily skin,
·Superficial blemishes and scars due to acne.
Peelings applied for acne treatment help to solve problems that consist of many types of acne. Corrects the structure of the skin on the skin surface. It prevents the formation of clogging with the opening of the closed pores. When applied regularly, a healthier acne-free and spot-free skin is obtained when supported by appropriate care products or medications.