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Merkez / AYDIN

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Cheek Filler

Cheek Filler

Aydın cheek filling; It is a procedure performed to remove the collapse and deformation of the cheeks over time and to give the cheeks their old plump appearance. With aging, the fat tissue in the cheeks decreases. A depressed appearance appears and gives the impression of being unhappy and tired, even if the person does not feel unhappy. Thanks to the cheek filling, the traces of old age can be erased from the skin. Cheek filling, which helps to defy the years and gives the person a more attractive appearance, also greatly affects the expression. For this reason, it allows the face to look aesthetically and rejuvenate without surgery.

You can call our clinic and make an appointment to get detailed information about cheek filling, cheekbone filling and other filling procedures.

What is Cheek Filling?

Cheek filler; It is a type of filling made for the purpose of shaping and rejuvenating the cheeks. It aims to remove the defects in the cheek area and to rejuvenate the skin by re-tightening. With the effect of both harmful external factors and aging, the tissues in the cheek area gradually weaken. The skin loses its elasticity and sags. This sagging can be seen obviously, since the cheeks are located in the middle of our face and cover most of the face. Sagging cheeks also cause the person to look unhappy, sad and distressed. Especially for women, this situation can cause aesthetic concerns. For people who always want to look younger and more beautiful, cheek filler offers an effective and safe solution.

What is Cheek Filling Made For?

Cheek filling is a procedure that allows the cheeks to be shaped and to take their most aesthetic form. Many defects in the cheeks can be removed within minutes without surgery with cheek filling. Aesthetic problems such as collapse in the cheeks, sagging, asymmetrical appearance and the cheek groove being deeper than normal can be eliminated with cheek filling.

Who Can Get Cheek Filling?

 Those who do not have a discomfort that prevents filling; The general health condition is in place and every individual over the age of 18 can have a cheek filling. It is usually a preferred procedure from the moment the skin begins to age. However, people who are not satisfied with the fullness and shape of their cheeks can also have cheek filling from an early age. As with all filling and botox procedures, cheek filling is not recommended for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Our pregnant or lactating patients can safely have cheek filling after completing this sensitive period.

How is Cheek Filling Done?

Cheek filler Aydin is made with hyaluronic acid, which traps moisture in the skin and protects the skin's flexible structure. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is also found in the natural tissue of the skin. For this reason, the risk of allergic reaction after the application of cheek filling is quite low. Hyaluronic acid also positively affects the appearance obtained with cheek filling. Since it does not remain in the region where it is applied or not, it provides more natural results from the filling application because it spreads.

Cheek augmentation is a practical procedure that is completed in about 15 – 20 minutes. It is performed by a specialist physician in sterile conditions. Before the procedure, the cheek area is anesthetized with anesthetic creams. Therefore, it is also a comfortable procedure for the patient. No pain or soreness is felt. When the procedure is completed, the person can immediately resume his daily life. After the cheek filling is done, it is normal to have slight redness and swelling in the cheek area. These side effects go away on their own within a maximum of 1 – 2 days.
